Tuesday, May 27

Slick Rick Pardoned

So, this happened on Friday, but I was on vacation. So I'm late, but not as late of the governor of New York. Slick Rick was pardoned by New York Governor David A. Patterson for crimes he committed 17 years ago. Better late than never. Rick was convicted of attempted murder and weapons charges in 1991, in which he served 6 years behind bars. Essentially, this pardon prevents The Ruler from being deported from this great country - something's he's been trying to avoid for years and did a short jail stint in 2003 and 2004. And they say the government never does anything right...

The NY governor gave Rick the free pass because his pristine clean rap sheet over the past 10 years, and his extensive community service with the youth, to counsel them against violence. Rick's always been about the children...

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