Saturday, September 6

The Game Smashes Bow Wow in Madden.

You heard it. If you haven't been following this fuckery, The Game claimed he was the best Madden player in the world, and Bow Wow objected challenging him to a game for $100K. The Game accepted the $100,000 challenge, and upped the ante saying that Ciara has to suck his dick, along with everyone else on his tour bus. Bow Wow responded back saying he was undefeated and Game couldn't touch him. Game responded back....again. This was all done over YouTube for the world to see. That's gangster.

So they faced off tonight in Los Angeles on the Xbox360 in a game of Madden NFL 09. $100,000 was on the line, and the Game destroyed Bow Wow 55-23. Bow Wow took the biggest L, and was crying and talking shit the whole time like a true champion.

Compton's in the house. And Ciara is sucking somebody tonight.

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