Monday, August 11

The Notorious B.L.O.G. Version 2.0

Change is rapidly approaching. This blog isn't going anywhere, but it will undergo an Extreme Home Makeover. The powers that be (my bosses) have decided to change the look, layout, and possibly name of the blog. Why? Well, this blog represents Hip Hop Official, and Hip Hop Official is a part of Go TV, and Go TV is media company that has to cater to board members, investors, and clients. They like branding. It's a good business tactic. So the new blog will look like all the other Hip Hip Official pages.

Sorry for the sudden change, I know it can be difficult to accept. It's a shock to me as well. Stay strong. We can all get through this together.

Thanks to the loyal and devoted readers, keep peeping the page as often as you do. Don't be alarmed when you come here next time - it may look a little different, but it will always remain the same: strictly hip-hop. The current links and URL will still work, so if you have this page bookmarked or set as a favorite, it will still work.

The Notorious B.L.O.G. is Ready To Die.

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